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African Achievers Magazine contains biographies of all kinds of Africans from all parts of the world and from all walks of life: the arts, business and finance, the church, the civil service, education, entertainment, sport, government, the law, local government, the media, medicine, professional institutions, science, non-government organizations and the trade unions.


The African Achievers Online Magazine website ( is a reference resource for biographical and professional data about African individuals of accomplishment. We seek to profile those in the online community who have distinguished themselves in their particular areas of expertise, while aspiring to uphold the elite standard of leadership and ability that the words African Achiever have come to represent.

A basic profile is comprised of a brief biographical summary, much as one would find in some other print publication, and formats are standardized. We sincerely appreciate the spirit in which these profiles are shared with the Internet community. There is no cost to be included, which is by invitation only; listings in this compendium cannot be bought or sold.


African Achievers International endeavours not only to create an on-line forum that showcases members' expertise, experience, and perhaps a bit of their personalities,
but also to maintain one where visitors may search free of charge, in contrast to traditional book publishers who sell costly and unwieldy volumes of their data.

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The African Achievers Magazine is an independent international magazine part of African Achievers International that is a reference resource for biographical and professional data about African individual’s accomplishment. We want to inspire people to THINK about what they've read long after they've left the page. To SHARE what they've learned with others. And to DO something that makes a difference. AAM, founded by David Ndiwanyu, offers intelligent, meaningful and inspirational coverage in areas that embrace and celebrate the African (read Black) Achievers’s diverse accomplishments and aspirations in all spheres. The magazine is the only African Achievers publication covering the entire African continent and the Diaspora. The African Achievers Magazine's global approach is reflected in how founder David Ndiwanyu describes its object as "to inspire rather than impose; To expertly advise rather than dictate; To tastefully portray our African diverse beauty, rather than cheapen it!" 

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Coming Up

The big news for 2017 includes our ongoing collaboration with other partners and the magazine's launch of the exciting new Internet domain extension, created with the needs of the African Achievers in mind - especially those who are not primarily "commercial" (at the root of all .com domain names).

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Our format provides opportunities for commercial sponsorship, vital to maintaining the site as a widely available online research utility.

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If you would like to nominate yourself or a colleague for consideration by the Selection Board, please send a brief CV to

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